14th Annual Town Hall Style Meeting - Public invited!
Sat Feb 23rd, 4:30 - 6:30 pm 
River Rendezview Party Barn (Dido's)
2922 CR 519
FOR will report on last year's accomplishments and goals for the upcoming year. The annual Ralph Primeau Memorial Award will be presented to the person or persons whom FOR feels has significantly contributed toward the spirit and purpose of the FOR mission.
  • U.S Representative Randy Weber, 14th Congressional District of Texas, "What's going on in DC” 
  • County Commissioner Dude Payne, "What's going on or not going on with reopening the Mouth”
  • Gil Rascoe, VP of Operations, Btel, “Bringing Fiber Optics to the Home”.
The event is free and open to the public. Bar service and gumbo will be available to order from the restaurant.
The official website of FOR San Bernard where you find out what’s happenin’ on the river