General Meeting and Advanced Training - January 12, 2011

Texas Master Naturalist
Cradle of Texas Chapter

General Meeting and Advanced Training
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Brazosport Museum of Natural Sciences

Note location
9:00-amGeneral Meeting
9:30-amAdvanced Training
Speakers from Sea Shell Searchers of Brazoria County will give 15-minute programs on the following topics:
  • "What is a Shell?"
  • "Where to go and how to find Shells"
  • "How to dress and what to take"
  • "How to clean shells"
  • "How to photograph Shells"
  • "How to identify and store/display shells."

The Sea Shell Searchers meet the first Tuesday of every month, September through May, at 7:30 p.m. in the Brazosport Museum of Natural Science located at the Center for the Arts and Sciences, 400 College Drive, Clute, TX.

Anyone interested in shelling or who would like more information about the Sea Shell Searchers are encouraged to contact us by email or you may pick up a Sea Shell Searchers brochure at the Brazosport Museum of Natural Sciences.