General Meeting and Advanced Training - May 11, 2011

Texas Master Naturalist
Cradle of Texas Chapter

General Meeting and Advanced Training
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Gulf Coast Bird Observatory

9:00-amGeneral Meeting
9:30-amAdvanced Training
    Topic: Dragonflies and damselflies
    Speaker: Bob Honig, Environmental consultant.
Bob Honig has a passion for all of natural history, focusing particularly on ornithology and dragonflies and damselflies.   He earned a B.A. in Biology (ecology emphasis) from the University of Pennsylvania and an M.S. in Zoology in the Aquatic Ecology Program at Virginia Tech.   Bob has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Katy Prairie Conservancy, a land trust focusing its efforts just west of Houston, since its founding in 1992.   He has conducted many bird surveys (including several seasons for the Texas Breeding Bird Atlas Project), as well as surveys for dragonflies and damselflies, and butterflies.   He has served as Chairman of the Ornithology Group in Houston; he was compiler of the Buffalo Bayou Christmas Bird Count (CBC) from 1984 to 2005; and he was a founder and compiler of the Brazos Bend CBC.   Bob – often with his wife, Maggie – has led numerous natural history field trips and tours domestically as well as to the Neotropics, and he has regularly lectured to nature and conservation organizations.

Bob's professional environmental experience began with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and continued in the natural gas pipeline industry and then environmental consulting.   He has addressed diverse issues such as endangered species, erosion control, revegetation, wetlands, archaeology and historic preservation, water discharges, spill prevention and control, waste minimization and recycling, and sustainable development, and his work has taken him to far-flung locales, including environmental surveys in Bolivia and the Algerian Sahara.

Further reading:
   • Christmas bird count on the Katy Prairie
   • Promiscuous white males and faithful tan males in white-throated sparrows

Maps to GCBO:
   • Road Map
   • Trail map
   • Google sat