General Meeting and Advanced Training

Texas Master Naturalist
Cradle of Texas Chapter
General Meeting and Advanced Training
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
AgriLife Building, Angleton

8:30 am Fun and Fellowship
This month's snacks are provided by Barbara Bruyere and Susan Severance.
9:00 amGeneral Meeting
This meeting is approved for 1.00 hour volunteer time.
9:30 amProgram:
"Edible Plants: Where to find wild edible plant food in the fall and winter if the entire food distribution system collapsed and you had to survive with no food in the stores."

Speaker: Thomas Adams, Botanist, Mid-coast NWR Complex, USFWS
Thomas Adams holds degrees in Anthropology (B.A., University of Texas at Austin), Wildlife Management (B.S., Texas Tech University), and Range Science (M.S., New Mexico State University).   He has been employed by the U.S. Forest Service (1998-1999) and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (1999-present).

This training is approved for Advanced Training credit.   Approved credit hours will be announced at the meeting, and will be available after the meeting at