17th Annual River’s End Volunteer Fire Dept. Fishing Tournament Set to Reel in Fun, Fish, and Funds

River’s End Volunteer Fire Department announces its 17th annual fishing tournament and the department’s largest fund raiser for the year the first full weekend of October (Oct. 4-6). The tournament begins at 12:01 a.m., Friday, October 4th, and runs through 2 p.m., Sunday, October 6th when final weights will be tallied; prizes and the fifth annual Tim Austin Memorial Hard Luck Tale will be awarded. Fish can be caught anywhere in public waters, but must be weighed in at the River’s End Volunteer Fire Dept. Station 1 located at 12070 F.M. 2918.Weigh in times are: Friday and Saturday from 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. and Sunday from 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.
This year marks the 40th anniversary of the founding of River’s End VFD and all proceeds from this tournament go toward obtaining a tanker truck.
Again this year, R.E.V.F.D. is offering daily mini tournaments that all divisions can compete in. Friday, October 4th ’s mini-tournament is for Speckled Trout and special weigh-in hours for this mini-tournament will be 9 a.m. – 7 p.m. Saturday’s mini-tournament is for Redfish with the same special weigh-in hours as Speckled Trout. Sunday, October 7th ’s mini-tournament is for Flounder with special weigh-in hours of 8 a.m. – noon. Fish entered in the daily mini-tournaments can also be weighed in for the larger tournament. The prizes for the mini-tournaments are plaques and bragging rights.
You may pick up tournament applications and purchase event t-shirts, raffle and meal tickets at Bernard Grocery on F.M. 2611 at the Churchill Bridge the weekend of September 27-28, or Stewart’s Grocery (in Brazoria) Saturday, September 28 from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. T-shirts will be given to all paid entrants or can be purchased for $15.00 at the local stores mentioned above on the same weekend. Again this year, you may also download entry forms, register, or register and pay online at www.revfd.com  .
The Adult Division of the tournament ($35.00 entry fee) consists of 4 categories: Redfish, Speckled Trout, Flounder, and Croaker. First, second, and third place prizes will be awarded for each category. First place for all categories will be $100.00 and a plaque. Second place winners will receive $50.00 and a plaque, and third place winners will receive $25.00 and a plaque. There will also be a $100.00 prize and plaque for the Redfish with the most spots and the heaviest stringer. This stringer must contain at least one each of Speckled Trout, Redfish and Flounder, but cannot have more than 5 fish total. Only Redfish between 20” – 27” may be entered in any category.
The 16 and Under Division ($20.00 registration fee) is designed to encourage more youngsters to fish. This division also consists of 4 main categories: Redfish, Speckled Trout, Flounder and Croaker. First place winners in all the above categories will take home a $50.00 gift certificate and a plaque; second place takes home a $25.00 gift certificate and a plaque; and third place takes home a $10.00 gift certificate and a plaque. Again this year the Youth Heaviest Stringer winner will take home a $50.00 gift certificate and a plaque. The rules for the Youth Heaviest Stringer have changed this year to include up to 5 of ANY legal fish (this includes fish outside of the four categories, but the largest Redfish entered can only be 27” long). In addition to those 13 prize winning places, the R.E.V.F.D. has added 4 more “fun” categories for our youth. Plaques will be awarded for the following “fun” categories: Redfish with the most spots, Largest Hardhead, Largest Blue Crab, and Largest Sand / Gulf Trout.
If you don’t fish, but you would still like to support the fire department, you can come for the Saturday, October 5 or Sunday, October 6 events.  A Moonwalk will be available for the children’s enjoyment Saturday, October 5 all day, weather permitting. Starting at 11 a.m. Saturday until 7 p.m., October 5, Luckenbach Sausage on a stick, Coney Islands or Frito Pies will be available for a $5.00 donation. The annual live auction begins at 5 p.m. (which includes a custom rod and reel donated by Billy Huett, a rolling party cooler and a custom hunting knife made by Spencer Aplin and donated by Kenzie and Co.). In addition to the live auction, a silent auction has been added from 11 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
On Sunday, October 6, awards will be presented to the tournament winners starting around 2:30 p.m.  Raffle drawings will also be held for a 20’ tapered aluminum flag pole with a 3’ x 5’ flag (donated by 2 J’s Café and Marina), a custom silver jig head with amethyst eyes (donated by Kinzie & Co.), a custom made rod and reel (donated by Billy Huett), and a $400.00 Walmart Gift Certificate. Raffle tickets are available for $5.00 each or 5 for $20.00. Winners need not be present to win. For the fifth year, the Tim Austin Memorial Hard Luck Tale prize ($49.97 and a box of Kleenex) will also be awarded to the angler with the worst hard luck story of the tournament.
Tournament applications are available upon request by contacting Roy Edwards at 979-964-4332, or Tracy Woodall at 979-482-4626, or by downloading them from www.revfd.com . You may also register and pay online. Please note you must be a paid entrant before you start fishing for the tournament.
In case of a severe storm, the tournament will take place 2 weeks later (the weekend of October 18 - 20). Please contact Roy Edwards or Tracy Woodall at the above phone numbers if changes to these plans become necessary. We’ll see you at the end of the river.