Friends of the River (FOR) San Bernard annual River Clean-up

  • River Cleanup
  • Sat, Sep 13th
  • 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
  • Volunteer at one of the collection stations:
McNeill Bridge FM 521 boat ramp
Churchill Bridge FM 2611 boat ramp
River’s End FM 2918 boat ramp
Hanson Riverside County Park, Hwy 35, West Columbia
The Friends of the River (FOR) San Bernard annual River Clean-up will be held on Saturday, September 13th from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Boats and crew are needed to extract trash from the river and volunteers are needed to man the collection stations. 
Volunteers sign-in at one of the four trash collection stations located at the McNeill Bridge FM 521 boat ramp, the Churchill Bridge FM 2611 boat ramp, River’s End FM 2918 boat ramp or Hanson Riverside County Park, Hwy 35, West Columbia. Bring a hat, bug spray, sunscreen and gloves. Free tee shirts, water, and trash bags will be distributed at that time. 
Immediately following the clean-up, all participants are invited to attend a hot dog social at Russell and Wana York’s home, 337 Lazy Oak Ranch, on the San Bernard River.
Whether you have volunteered in the past or are new this year, FOR San Bernard hopes to see you on Saturday, Sept 13. It takes a team effort to keep the river clean and healthy. 
For more information, contact Russell York at 713-824-2312 or email for additional information. The official website of FOR San Bernard where you find out what’s happenin’ on the river