Good afternoon everyone,
Monday, January 12, 2015
For our Winter SETMA Meeting
10:00 for sign-in and meet and greet
10:30 short business meeting and program
We’ve been invited to visit the George Ranch for our next SETMA meeting (Monday, January 12, 2015) and I couldn’t be more pleased. Thanks, Claire and Chris! When my almost 29 year old daughter was a Brownie Girl Scout (about 8 years old), her troop participated in a Girl Scout Day at the George Ranch. It was a terrific day! She loved the whole experience so much that she begged me for years to let her volunteer there. The distance from League City was a bit too far for us to make it happen or I would have. My daughter will be working in Austin, but I’m looking forward to going back in time again to the George Ranch with all of my SETMA friends.
Lunch is being provided by the museum (thanks again, Claire and Chris!) and they need a head count of attendees. Please try to let me know that you are coming by Thursday, January 8th so that lunches can be purchased.
As January is the start of a new year (no putting anything over on me), 2015 dues are due. I’ve attached a membership/dues form to make it easy for you. Treasurer Michelle Cate is yearning to accept your checks or cash. $25.00 for an institution and $15.00 for an individual. For those who unfortunately can’t be with us at George Ranch, please send a check to Michelle Cate / McFaddin Ward House / 725 Third Street / Beaumont, Texas / 77701-1629 / Tel: 409-832-1906 / email:
“The George Ranch Historical Park's history follows family lines beginning in 1824 and spans more than 100 years. Just 30 miles southwest of downtown Houston, we are located on a 20,000 acre working ranch featuring historic homes, costumed interpreters and livestock. We are a living history partnership of the Fort Bend County Museum Association and The George Foundation.”
George Ranch Historical Park
But wait there’s more…. much, much more really good stuff happening that day….
Michael Bailey, SETMA Vice President, has arranged for Jeff Durst, Archaeology Department with the Texas Historical Commission to present a general overview of the Department, the Texas Archeological Stewardship Network, the recent work the Department has been involved in, and discuss the Annual Texas Archaeology Field School and Texas Archaeology Month.
As you can easily see below, Jeff has an extensive background in Texas archaeology. As Michael says, “This is a chance for museum folks to get to know about THC Archaeology, the work its archaeologist does, and what resources are available.” I certainly agree!
Jeff Durst
Project Director
Ft. St. Louis Archaeological Project
South Texas Regional Archaeologist and Project Reviewer for
Jeff has a bachelor's degree in English Literature and a Master's degree in Anthropology both from the University of Texas at San Antonio.
Jeff has experience in both historic and prehistoric archaeology and has conducted research in Texas, New Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, France and England. His Master's research focused on prehistoric Maya settlement patterns, while his more recent research focuses on the early French and Spanish Colonial occupation of Texas. He was previously employed by the Center for Archaeological Research at the University of Texas at San Antonio and acted as a Project Archaeologist conducting archival research, archaeological surveys, site excavations, artifact analysis and report preparation.
After almost three years of field research at the site of Ft. St. Louis and the first location of Presidio La Bahia, Jeff is now working on the analysis and write-up phase of the project.
Jeff has authored and co-authored numerous publications and papers on the various archaeological projects that he has been involved with. He currently serves as the South Texas Regional Archeologist and Project Reviewer for State and Federal Code Compliance for the Texas Historical Commission.
Please join us and bring a friend or two or three.
Meanwhile have a wonderful holiday season.
SETMA President
Susan Smyer
City of Houston
Department of Public Works & Engineering
Public Utilities Division/Business Support Branch
WaterWorks Education Center
12121 N. Sam Houston Parkway E.
Humble, Texas 77396
Office: 832-395-3783