An “Historic” Great Runaway Scrape Treasure Hunt/Fundraiser
The Great Runaway Scrape “Historic” Treasure Hunt/Fundraiser, benefitting Teena Maenza, is scheduled for Sunday, June 14, 2015 at the American Legion Hall; 219 Veterans’ Dr.; West Columbia Texas 77486 from 11 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Teena Maenza has been in a “scrape” with cancer for years and medical bills have been piling up. But even as that was happening, she continued to help the Brazoria County community, residents and historians by using her writing and editing skills to promote the great history of the “cradle” of Texas history. So, it is fitting that the benefit for her is steeped in the historical events and markers in the cities of Brazoria, West Columbia and East Columbia.
The fundraiser will begin with a race to find the historical markers listed in the document that will be given to all paid ($20.00 entry fee – cash and checks only) contestants at the event. Registration will be from 11 a.m. – 12 noon at the American Legion Hall in West Columbia. The race will start at 12 noon sharp from that location. If you are participating in the race, bring your camera or cell phone to document the historic markers listed on your directions. The race will be from noon – 3 p.m. and will begin and end at the West Columbia American Legion Hall. The markers in the race will be in the cities of Brazoria, West Columbia and East Columbia. The first three contestants returning with correct documentation will each win an historic themed prize.
Once the race completes, from 3 p.m. until 5 p.m., more events continue at the hall. There will be hot dogs and a “Toast to Teena” for a $10.00 donation, a cake walk and a silent auction of historically significant and other more modern useful items. All proceeds go toward helping defray medical expenses for Teena Maenza.
If you cannot make the event, but would still like to help, send donations to any Texas Gulf Bank, reference Teena Maenza Benefit, account # 6000701920.
For more information, contact: Naomi Anthill Smith at 979-345-3340; Tissie Schwebel at 979-345-3335; Jan Edwards at 979-964-4332; or Mary Ruth Rhodenbaugh at 979-480-3567.