To volunteer contact:
Ruby Lewis, Volunteer Coorinator
David Plunkett
979-297-3322 (h)
979-418-1411 (c)
Approved for Volunteer Time by TMN-COT
Timesheet Code: COT
Brazoria County 150th Juneteenth Celebration Committee
P.O. Box 778. Lake Jackson Texas 77566
"Celebrating 150 years of Freedom"
P.O. Box 778. Lake Jackson Texas 77566
"Celebrating 150 years of Freedom"
Greetings Community Partners
To commemorate the special anniversary of Juneteenth; the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States, The Brazoria County 150th Juneteenth Celebration Committee has organized a historical and celebratory day of events to take place on June 13, 2015 at The Brazoria Heritage Foundation (map} in Brazoria. The day and evening events include educational exhibit booths, health screening, historical-re-enactments, children games, live entertainment and an evening banquet with a guest speaker. As people of all races, creeds and ethnicities have contributed to the price of freedom we are endeavoring to make this an event that includes people of all race and gender.
As people across the State and beyond are preparing for their celebratory event, The Brazoria County 150th Juneteenth Committee, 501(c)(3) group invite you to participate by choosing to partner with us. It is only with you can we make this event not only memorable but also provide valuable and inclusive historical educational tools to the community. Another added value for being a sponsor is the opportunity to communicate your company's message of diversity, equal opportunity and commitment to serve the community in which you do business.
There are several levels of sponsorship to consider; in kind and monetary. )ovations of $150 and above are much appreciated. Your in kind donations are nost welcome as well
All proceeds will benefit the Brazoria Historical Museum, which houses the only African American Museum room in Brazoria County!
In an effort to secure vendors, food, speakers, etc., we ask that you please respond by April 30th.
Checks are payable to :
BC 150th Juneteenth Celebration Committee.
P.O. Box 778
Lake Jackson, Texas 77566-0778
Best regards,
Best regards,
The Brazoria County 150th Juneteenth Celebration Committee.,
Chairperson: Debra Bess. Co Chairs: Sam Williams, Bobbie Greer.
Brazoria African American Museum Curator : Bernice Smith.
Treasurer: Bobbie Greer, Judy Gifford (Advisor),Historians Advisors: Clara Johnson, Shirley Spearow, Bob Schwebel, Harold Gaul, Loretta Washinton.(Negro Spirituals), Gary Gatton.