It’s time! Registration is NOW OPEN for the Texas Master Naturalist 16th Annual Meeting!
Registration Open -
year’s event will mark the Texas Master Naturalist Program’s 16th
Annual Meeting and will be the 17th year of the program. The event will
be hosted at a larger than ever before facility, Horseshoe Bay Resort,
just west of gorgeous Marble Falls, Texas. Situated along the lakeshores
of Lake Lyndon B. Johnson, this year’s meeting location will offer
scenic views, close proximity to local, state and even national wildlife
areas and nature centers, along with state of the art meeting rooms,
resort style accommodations and award winning meals. The Annual Meeting
provides an opportunity for the Texas Master Naturalist volunteers from
around the state to gather, participate in hands-on educational
seminars, and receive all of their Advanced Training requirements for
the year within one weekend. It’s also an opportunity for program
participants and supporters to network, share new ideas/projects, and to
learn from different chapters from different regions of the state.
are pleased to extend an invitation to ALL Texas Master Naturalist
Program volunteers, along with all other program affiliates. This
includes those certified volunteers, those still in training, program
administrators and advisors of local chapters, and your local chapter
partners, sponsors, or special guests. This year’s gathering has several
chapter enhancement and Advanced Training topics to choose from. Our
social times, chapter project fair showcase and round table discussions
will offer great opportunities to meet your fellow Texas Master
Naturalist peers from our 45 Chapters across the state and share new
ideas from the past year. Hear what projects your peers are contributing
their volunteer time towards and make new acquaintances all at the same
time. The Texas Master Naturalist Store and other surprises are also on
the agenda. So, come out for a weekend filled with fun, fellowship, and
learning in a beautiful October, Texas Hill Country setting.
This year’s meeting is scheduled for October 23rd through 25th at the hill country scenic Horseshoe Bay Resort,
located on the shores of Lake Lyndon B Johnson. Registration for this
highly anticipated event is NOW available through the Annual Meeting
page on the Texas Master Naturalist State website at
Additional information about the annual gathering weekend, annual
awards and contests, the advanced training sessions agenda, and
registration details can be found on the website as well.
We look forward to seeing you this fall!
Michelle & Mary Pearl
Michelle M. Haggerty
Texas Master Naturalist State Program Coordinator
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
Office: 830-896-2504
Cell: 979-587-2627
309 Sidney Baker South
Kerrville, TX 78028
Mary Pearl Meuth
Extension Associate – Texas Master Naturalist Program
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
Office: (979) 845-7294
Cell: (727) 366-1144
102 Nagle Hall, 2258 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843
Texas Master Naturalist –
develop a corps of well-informed volunteers to provide education,
outreach, and service dedicated to the beneficial management of natural
resources and natural areas within their communities.