TPWD Conservation Event for the Dickinson Bayou Restoration Project

TPWD Conservation Event for the Dickinson Bayou Restoration Project

August 6, 2016

TPWD is sponsoring a plant culling event.  We have mud, good people to work with, something important to do, T-shirts, Conservation awards (for the qualified), and fun for everyone involved.  The event is open to youths 14 to 19 years of age, and members of their families.  Actually we’d let just about anyone work on it that come by if they have the desire to learn about wetlands and watersheds.

Here is the plan -
1.       Gather at the NRG Ecocenter 8AM Aug 6, 2016 – Although it may appears to be a little tricky to find the exact location of the NRG Ecocenter unless you have been there before, there will be a few signs posted at turns so you can find your way to the NRG Ecocenter.  You can use a side road off of 99 (West Bay Road) to go the back way into the NRG plant and nursery ponds shown in google earth map.  There are also other ways to get there off of FM 1405 to West Bay road.  Picture of the location at the site listed below.  Note that it is East of SH 146 on the Baytown side of the Fred Harman Bridge across the Ship Channel.

2.       Snacks and water will be available for the event.  But please bring your own lunch, comfortable outdoor work clothes, sun screen, and mud shoes – (old sneakers that can get wet and muddy or wadding booties).  Do not plan on wearing sandals.  Expect the mud and water where you are working to be knee deep and squishy.  Please bring a water bottle for refilling, wide brim hat or baseball hat, sun glasses, and mosquito repellent.  Expect to be very dirty when done.  Bring a change of clothes and a towel.  There will be an outdoor hose so you can wash off before you change clothes and go home.  There are restrooms for males and females.  Plastic bags will be provided at the site so you can stuff your dirty, wet gear into for the trip home.  You could even use the towel you bring to sit on in the car going home.
3.       The event will start with demonstrations, working outside, then lunch and a presentation on the values and functions of wetlands in watersheds.  The even should be over around 2PM.
4.       Please have each youth sign up for the event beforehand.  It is important that each youth and adult sign up separately.  Go to the TPWD web page, click on Volunteers at top right, then type in Dickinson in Key word section, and choose the link the Dickinson Wetland Restoration project instead of Coastal Fisheries Field office recruitment page.  Use this link to access the site:

5.       The work will involve culling Spartina alterniflora which is known as smooth cordgrass. Information and pictures at 

There will be an explanation of why we are pulling plants from a pond and where they are going to be planted.  This project is important to the goals for preserving and enhancing Dickinson Bayou Watershed.

Questions contact Jan Culbertson, TPWD at 281-534-0111 during working hours or at 281-910-9997. Or contact her at