Meet at King Ranch Visitor Center at 7:30 AM
2205 W State Highway 141,Kingsville, Texas 78363
Map [Google]
Map [King Ranch]
March 4 - Overnight Accommodations
Holiday Inn Express Kingsville
2400 South Highway 77, Kingsville, Texas 78363
Hotel Desk 361-592-8333
Reservation hotline 888-465-4329
Reservation hotline 888-HOLIDAY
March 5 - Whooping Crane boat trip
Meet at Fulton Harbor dock at 7:00 AM
Chaparral Street at North Casterline Drive, Fulton, Texas.
Fee: Bring a check payable to Tom Morris for $45. Tom will pay for the group for a $10 savings off full fare. Small coolers are allowed. Dress for the weather. There is plenty of room in the cabin if weather is rainy.