2013 Water Conference

Since Texas continues to grow in population, and the changes in the weather continue to affect our climate, water is becoming a more vital and precious resource. Through this conference our goals are to educate and inform residents on the importance of water conservation

To address these water issues, The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service-Brazoria County will be conducting their 2nd Annual Water Conference. The focus will be water conservation.

Topics will include:
- Rain gardens
- Rain harvesting
- Storm water detention ponds and wetlands
- Use of native and drought resistant plants in landscaping
- Landscape irrigation
- State of Water in Texas and how that affects Brazoria County

These topics will be presented by experts in their field. The conference will take place at the Stephen F. Austin 500 located off of Hwy. 288. Registration will begin at 8:00 a.m. to view vendors and exhibitors. The conference will be from 8:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. The cost will be $10 per person. Vendor/Exhibitors fee will be $35.00.
To get more information or to preregister contact Jami Geserick at
979-388-1558 x 112
979-864-1558 x 112
281-756-1558 x 112

 *Sponsorships for this event:
Brazos River - $500.00 or more
San Bernard - $300.00 – $499.00
Oyster Creek- $200.00 - $299.00
Cedar Creek -  $150.00 - $199.00
Austin Bayou- $100.00 - $149.00
Sponsorship could be in the form of cash donations, funds to purchase water conservation aids, or in-kind support.

Except for openings and introductions, this event has been conditionally approved for up to 3.00 hours of Advanced Training by TMN-COT for any chapter member who pays the admission fee and participates as part of the audience.   A final determination of the number of approved  hours will be announced on the calendar after the event.

This event has been approved for Volunteer Time by TMN-COT for any chapter member who participates in the planning and execution of the event under the direction of John P. O'Connell, an adviser to the TMN-COT Chapter.