Migration Celebration Bake Sale - March 29, 2013

We need your help to provide baked goods for the three Migration Celebration Bake Sales, the first on Fri, March 29 at the Angleton Walmart.   The proceeds from these three sales will enhance our Environmental Education programs at our refuges.   We hope you will participate with your donations to all these sales, but if you can only do a donation for one sale, it will still be deeply appreciated..  Wouldn't be wonderful if we could significantly increase our proceeds this year!

On Friday, March 29 before 9:00AM please bring your baked goods to the grocery entrance of the Angleton Walmart.  Map

Lake Jackson/Clute/Brazoria residents: Neal McLain will serve as runner for those of you who don't wish to drive to Angleton.  Meet Neal at the Park-n-Ride on FM2004 between 8:00 and 8:30 AM.  Map

Guidelines for baked goods:

Seal and label your baked goods in zip locked bags. Please label your baked goods as to type and whether or not they contain nuts. 

Individually packaged cookies, bars, brownies, tarts, etc. bring in more money than large packages of the same.  For example, put two to four cookies (depending on size) in a zip lock bag. We usually charge a $1 a bag, so put in the amount you would pay a dollar for!

• Something decorated with Spring or nature theme will sell well. Young children love decorated cupcakes. 

• People are attracted by oatmeal raisin cookies, chocolate chip cookies with and without nuts, decorated sugar cookies, brownies, sugar-free anything, cakes, decorated cup cakes.  If you have a gluten-free recipe we sometimes have people asking for that.

• We are looking for people to help sell at the bake sale tables on March 29, April 20th and April 21st.

•If you will contribute bake sale items and/or help sell baked goods on March 29, April 20 and/or April 21 please e-mail Donna Jablecki at  Jablecki@sbcglobal.net. My phone number is 979-849-0898 or cell 979-848-7680  You can also sign up with the document that Ed Barrios will send out soliciting volunteers.

 Thank you, so much, for all you do for our Environmental Education program,

Donna Jablecki

Bake sale Activity Leader for Migration Celebration 2013

TMN-COT Members please note:
  • Participation in the Bake Sale as a seller at the sale is approved for Volunteer Time.
  • Time spent at your home preparing bake goods for sale is not approved for VT.