Brazosport Birders Meeting March 25, 2014

Brazosport Birders Meeting

TUESDAY, MARCH 25   (Note non-standard meeting date)

7:00 pm at the Brazosport College Museum of Natural Sciences

 William S. Clark (Bill) will be our guest speaker.  Bill Clark is one of the world's leading authorities on raptor identification and taxonomy. He is the author of over 100 papers and books on raptor taxonomy and distribution, including A Field Guide to the Raptors of Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa (1999) and forthcoming volumes on the raptors of Mexico and Central America and the birds of prey of Africa. With Brian Wheeler, he co-authored A Field Guide to Hawks of North America (1987, 2001) and A Photographic Guide to North American Raptors (1999). He is widely traveled, leading popular raptor tours around the world (as "Raptors"), and he is a widely sought lecturer on diurnal birds of prey.

1.  “Raptors of the Rio Grande Valley”   -  highlighting the raptors seen in the RGV (many of these species are also present on the Upper Texas Gulf Coast).
2.  “Identification of Sharp-Shinned Hawk vs. Cooper’s Hawk”  -  focusing on the challenge of differentiating between these two species.


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