Adopt-a-Highway Litter Pickup

  • Adopt-a-Highway Litter Pickup
  • Saturday, November 5, 2016  9:45 am
  • Churchill Bridge Parking Lot FM 2611

Last March, this group of twenty volunteers of Friends of the River San Bernard collected 38 bags of trash, a mattress, two satellite dishes and a TV. Your participation sends a clear message that your efforts really do make a big difference. Take pride in the fact that you were part of making the area around the San Bernard beautiful.

Your help is needed again at the Friends of the River San Bernard trash pickup scheduled for Saturday, November 5, 2016, along a section of road either side of the Churchill Bridge on FM 2611. Meet at the bridge parking lot at 9:45 am. 

Volunteers should bring their own hats, gloves, and sunscreen. Strong shoes or boots are a good idea. TXDOT and FOR San Bernard supply the vests, water and trash bags. Join this event and help us make a difference! Children under the age of seven may not participate in the program

Be sure and fuel up first with breakfast at the regular first-Saturday-of-the-month FOR Breakfast on the Bernard at Dido’s Restaurant (located not far from the bridge). Breakfast is served from 8:30 - 9:30 am. Cost is $8 and kids under ten eat free. The coffee’s hot and so’s the conversation! The official website of FOR San Bernard where you find out what’s happenin’ on the river