
Cot- Master Naturalist

Two seed collecting events coming soon.  The Nash Prairie Event  is Tuesday, Nov 15th around 9:00 AM.  If you are not with Lan Shen's group  ( Gulf Coast Master Naturalist) you do not need to RSVP to me.

If you do not want to collect seed or have a project to collect for , I am going to be clearing some brush and invasive species removal if you would like to join me , it would be appreciated.

You are also welcome to just come out and have some prairie time to destress from the election, whichever side of the fence you straddle

Susan Conaty
Cell   979236-2573
Text   979-417-1421

From: "Lan Shen"
To: "Gulf Coast Master Naturalist members"
Sent: Tuesday, November 8, 2016 4:06:22 AM
Subject: Fwd: Seed Collecting: W11/9 & T11/15 (NEW) @ Deer Park Prairie & Nash, respectively

Seed collecting TOMORROW, 11/9, at Deer Park Prairie, 9am - ~noon &
NEW: Tuesday, 11/15 at Nash, , 9am - ~noon
The Katy Prairie Conservancy, 5615 Kirby Drive, Suite 867, Houston, TX 77005